Eaters of Aufwuchs i.e., algae growing on rocks, wood, or other surfaces
Picture (click for species page)
Cichlid species
Labeotropheus trewavasae
Mbuna flock
Both loose and firmly attached Aufwuchs; also benthic and planktonic crustaceans
Behavior: Nibbles algae, often from undersides of rocks. Body nearly parallel to rock. Anatomy: Wide, inferior (underslung) mouth; both jaws with straight outer row of closely spaced tricuspid teeth which form scraping surfaces.
Fryer & Iles (1972)
Ribbink et al. (1983)
Petrotilapia tridentiger
Mbuna flock
Loose Aufwuchs; also zooplankton, phytoplankton, detritus, fish eggs & fry
Behavior: Combs loose Aufwuchs with jaws pressed against rock surface and body at right angles to surface. Anatomy: Wide, terminal mouth; both jaws with numerous rows of long, slender, movably implanted, tricuspid teeth.
Fryer & Iles (1972)
Ribbink et al. (1983)
Pseudotropheus (Maylandia) zebra
Mbuna flock
Loose Aufwuchs (also zooplankton and benthic invertebrates when available)
Behavior: Presses mouth against rocks, closes and opens mouth repeatedly while pressed. Anatomy: Large, mobile, terminal mouth with bicuspid outer and widely spaced, tricuspid inner teeth, which comb only loosely attached algae from rocks.
Fryer & Iles (1972)
Holzberg (1978)
 Photo: J. Stewart
Pseudotropheus (Pseudotropheus) sp. "acei"
Mbuna flock
Aufwuchs growing on waterlogged tree logs and branches (epixylic algae)
Behavior: Aggregates in large shoals over submerged tree trunks and limbs that have washed into the lake, feeding on algae growing on the wood. Anatomy: Dentition similar to that of many specialists on algae growing on stones (epilithic algae).
Konings (1995c)
Pseudotropheus (Tropheops) tropheops
Mbuna flock
Firmly attached Aufwuchs (Calothrix spp.) and some loose Aufwuchs; also zooplankton and benthic invertebrates
Behavior: Plucks algae from rocks with sideways, upward head jerks. Anatomy: Steeply inclined snout; small, slightly subterminal mouth with bicuspid outer and numerous, close-set inner tricuspid teeth which rasp firmly attached algae from rocks; enlarged lateral conical teeth help cut strands.
Fryer & Iles (1972)
Ribbink et al. (1983)