Note 4 - Acknowledgments The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa:


I thank M. Christian Michel of the Liège (Belgium) Aquarium "M. Dubuisson" for sending me copies of several important references in the French aquarium literature that I could not obtain otherwise. Mr. Ad Konings generously provided publications from his Cichlid Press and alerted me to the existence of several recently described species. Moreover, he has given permission to reproduce many of his superb photos here.

Other colleagues and contacts who have provided publications, information, photos, and/or permissions since the inception of this site include Dieter Anseeuw, Matt Arnegard, A. B. Balkema, Nancy J. Bowers, Fabrice Duponchelle, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Frank Dyrhovden, Martin Genner, Stuart M. Grant, Kenneth Irvine, Daud D. Kassam, Irv Kornfield, William L. Krinsky, Sven O. Kullander, Carsten K. Larsen, Rüdiger Riehl, Ernst Schraml, Paul H. Skelton, Mark P. Smith, Jay R. Stauffer, Jr., Donald J. Stewart, TFH Publications, Michi Tobler, George F. Turner, Olaf Weyl, A.T. "Toby" White, the Zoological Society of Southern Africa, and Dmitry Zworykin. My grateful thanks to all, and apologies to any I have unintentionally missed (please let me know).

Donors of photographs are numerous and are all acknowledged wherever their photos are used. Sincere thanks to you all.

More remotely, my first trip to Malawi (1968) was supported by my parents, the late Kenneth A. Oliver and the late Madaline S. Oliver; my second (1971) by Occidental College, Los Angeles; my third (1980) by National Science Foundation grant DEB 80-05538, by Leslie F. Knapp of the Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, and by the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University.

I am happy to acknowledge the Government of Malawi for permission to work in Malawi; David H. Eccles, for graciously hosting my first two visits and for introducing me to the wonders of the Lake; Geoffrey Fryer, for hosting me on several visits to the Freshwater Biological Association, Far Sawry, England and for memorable and enlightening discussions; the late P. Humphry Greenwood, the late Ethelwynn Trewavas, and Gordon Howes, all of the British Museum (Natural History), for facilitating several extended research visits and for their numerous friendly discussions that greatly furthered my education; the late Donn E. Rosen of the American Museum of Natural History, for taking me on as a doctoral student and, with Gareth J. Nelson, teaching me the rudiments of cladistics; Kenneth R. McKaye and, later, especially, Keith S. Thomson, both then of Yale University, for taking me on sequentially as their advisee when I transferred there as a doctoral student.

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The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa:

Last Update: 10 January 2009
Web Author: M. K. Oliver, Ph.D.
Copyright © 1997-2021 by M. K. Oliver, Ph.D. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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