Jigsaw Puzzles of African Fish and Scenery


Truly, African cichlids are a puzzle in more ways than one!

These free electronic jigsaw puzzles, of African fishes and scenery, are self-contained packages. You can download them to your PC and solve them on-screen without additional software.
Pay attention to the number of pieces, shown for each puzzle. They range from easy to solve (a few minutes) near the top, to quite challenging (several hours) further down. The larger puzzles may require higher screen resolutions to give enough space to work in.

If this feature proves to be popular, I will add more puzzles from time to time (...unless they prove to be too popular and make me exceed my available bandwidth!). Please download with restraint: Each puzzle package is nearly one megabyte. Once downloaded, simply double-click the file to work the puzzle. All photos are copyright © by me, Dr. M. K. Oliver.

These games do not contain any spyware, adware, viruses, trojans, or other malicious garbage. I hope you enjoy working these as much as I do!

(The very nice Jigs@w Puzzle program I used to create these can be obtained from TIBO.)  


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Mylochromis lateristriga

36 pieces

A breeding male Mylochromis lateristriga, one of the oblique-striped "Haps" of Lake Malawi.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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Biologist SCUBA diver emerges from Lake Malawi at sunset

48 pieces

At the end of a long day of research diving, a biologist emerges from Lake Malawi on Chembe beach, Cape Maclear. (Yep, it's me.) Ken McKaye took the picture.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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Radiograph (x-ray) of Aristochromis christyi Trewavas, a predatory cichlid of Lake Malawi

70 pieces

New   Here's an unusual subject for a jigsaw puzzle: a radiograph (x-ray) of Aristochromis christyi, a predatory haplochromine cichlid of Lake Malawi. The beaked jaws and small, sharp teeth are quite clear on the image.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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Unidentified Victoria blueblack orangefin cichlid

96 pieces

A stunningly attractive, unidentified male haplochromine cichlid from Lake Victoria - possibly in the genus Harpagochromis (thank you Mark Smith), but even this is uncertain. The species may now be extinct. I photographed it in London in 1971 in the home of airline flight engineer Bob Heath (who collected it in Uganda).
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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Sunset over Lake Malawi, Monkey Bay

117 pieces

Sunset over Monkey Bay, Malawi. Thumbi Island East is at left; in the distance, across the southeast arm of the lake, the far Malawi shore is visible.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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Marabou stork on boat, Lake George, Uganda

140 pieces

Lake George, Uganda: a marabou stork sits on a small research boat used by the International Biological Programme team, 1971.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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Fishing canoes in bright haze on the southeast arm of Lake Malawi

153 pieces

Fishing canoes on the southeast arm of Lake Malawi, near Boadzulu Island. A surprising number of men can stand up in these dugout canoes without capsizing them - which is a good thing, since many of the fishermen reportedly cannot swim.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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`Marmalade cat` OB male Labeotropheus trewavasae

210 pieces

Outstanding example of a rare OB male Labeotropheus trewavasae, a so-called "marmalade cat," fresh from the water at Thumbi Island West, Lake Malawi.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.

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Unidentified Victoria redtail blue cichlid

294 pieces

Another beautiful but unidentified male haplochromine cichlid from Lake Victoria photographed in London at Bob Heath's home. He collected it in Uganda in 1971.
© M.K. Oliver, Ph.D.


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The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa:  MalawiCichlids.com

Page last updated: 28 November 2009
Page first posted: 14 April 2009
Web Author: M. K. Oliver, Ph.D.
Copyright © 1997-2021 by M. K. Oliver, Ph.D. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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