Chindongo heteropictus, photo from Ribbink et al. (1983) another Chindongo heteropictus, photo from Ribbink et al. (1983)

Photo c: Chindongo heteropictus (previously known under the names Maylandia heteropicta, Pseudotropheus heteropictus, and P. "newsi," photographed underwater at Chisumulu Island; Konings (1995c: 154) identifies this creature as P. heteropictus [now C. heteropictus].

Photo g: Chindongo heteropictus according to Ribbink et al. (1983) (as P. heteropictus), photographed underwater at Thumbi West Island, Malawi. Konings (1995c: 154), apparently in reference to this photograph, remarks that the scientific name heteropictus "...has erroneously been applied to a large species from Thumbi West Island, Ps. sp. 'black dorsal heteropictus'...." Thus, if Konings is correct, only the mbuna in photo c is actually C. heteropictus. Photos from Plates 9c and 1g, respectively, of Ribbink et al., 1983; reproduced by permission of the Zoological Society of Southern Africa.



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The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa:

Last Update: 20 February 2017
Web Author: M. K. Oliver, Ph.D.
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