Bookstore is proud to be an affiliate of Alibris, the premier online store selling new, used, and out-of-print books from thousands of independent booksellers. I have gathered dozens of the best, most significant and interesting books about the fishes of Lake Malawi and the other African Great Rift Lakes, as well as fascinating works that bring the history and the natural history of this region vividly to life. There is much here to entice enthusiasts of all levels, from aquarists keeping Rift Lake cichlids to professional biologists who study the faunas of these lakes.

When you buy books from these lists, you pay no more than any other Alibris shopper (and there are some real bargains). But, you help to keep this site, "The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa" (, afloat by defraying a small part of my significant hosting costs. And, more importantly for you, you enjoy the benefits of one-stop shopping for the best books on our favorite fishes and their lakes. Perhaps you will even discover some favorite books you never knew existed. Note: All book links (cover thumbnails and title text) will open in another window, the same one for all books. Happy reading!

Aquarium and General Interest Books     Scientific and Advanced Hobbyist Books     Top

   Coyne, Jerry A.2009 Why Evolution Is True   ["A succinct and accessible summary of the facts
supporting Darwinian evolution"]
   Goldschmidt, Tijs1996 Darwin's Dreampond. Drama in Lake Victoria
   Happold, David2011 African Naturalist. The life and times of Rodney Carrington Wood, 1889-1962
[As in Stigmatochromis woodi, Rhamphochromis woodi]
   Johnson, W.P.1969 Nyasa, the Great Water: Being a Description of the Lake and the Life of
the People
   Konings, Ad2007 Malawi cichlids in their natural habitat
[4th edition (2007) is the latest]
Konings, Ad1990 Ad Konings's Book of Cichlids and All the Other Fishes of Lake Malawi
   Konings, Ad1988 Tanganyika Cichlids
   Konings, Ad &
Dieckhoff, H.W.
1992 Tanganyika Secrets
   Lewis, Digby,
Reinthal, Peter, &
Trendall, Jasper
1986 A Guide to the Fishes of Lake Malawi National Park
   Livingstone, David &
Livingstone, Charles
A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its
Tributaries and the Discovery of Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa 1858-1864
    Loiselle, Paul V.1996 A Fishkeeper's Guide to African Cichlids
   Loiselle, Paul V.1994,
The Cichlid Aquarium
   Potous, Paul L.1956 No Tears for the Crocodile [Account of the life of a professional
crocodile hunter on Lake Nyasa (Malawi)]
   Ransford, Oliver1967 Livingstone's Lake. The Drama of Nyasa
   Seegers, Lothar2008 The Catfishes of Africa. A Handbook for Identification and Maintenance
   Seehausen, Ole1996 Lake Victoria Rock Cichlids. Taxonomy, Ecology, and Distribution
  Smith, Mark Phillip2000 Lake Malawi Cichlids. Everything About History, Setting Up an Aquarium,
Health Concerns, and Spawning
  Smith, Mark Phillip2001 Lake Victoria Cichlids. Everything About History, Setting Up an Aquarium,
Health Concerns, and Spawning
   Spreinat, Andreas1995 Lake Malawi Cichlids From Tanzania
   Staeck, Wolfgang &
Linke, H.
1995 African Cichlids II: Cichlids from Eastern Africa
   Sweeney, Mary1993 The Proper Care of Malawi Cichlids

Scientific / Advanced Hobbyist Books     Aquarium and General Interest Books     Top

   Baerends, G.P. &
Baerends-van Roon, J.M.
1950 An Introduction to the Study of the Ethology of Cichlid Fishes
   Barlow, George W.2002 The Cichlid Fishes: Nature's Grand Experiment in Evolution
   Daget, J., Gosse, J.P., &
Thys van den Audenaerde, D.F.E.
CLOFFA: Check-list of the Freshwater Fishes of Africa (4 volumes)
   Eccles, David H.1991 Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Tanzania
   Fryer, Geoffrey &
Iles, T.D.
1972 The Cichlid Fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa.
Their Biology and Evolution
   Goldschmidt, Tijs1996 Darwin's Dreampond. Drama in Lake Victoria
   Greenwood, P.H.1974 Cichlid Fishes of Lake Victoria, East Africa:
The Biology and Evolution of a Species Flock
   Greenwood, Peter Humphry1981 The Haplochromine Fishes of the East African Lakes:
Collected Papers on Their Taxonomy, Biology, and Evolution,
with an Introduction and Species Index
  Jackson, Peter B.N.,
Iles, T. Derrick,
Harding, Derek, &
Fryer, Geoffrey
1963 Report on the Survey of Northern Lake Nyasa 1954-55
by the Joint Fisheries Research Organization
   Keenleyside, Miles H.A. (ed.)1991 Cichlid Fishes. Behavior, Ecology and Evolution
   Lewis, Digby,
Reinthal, Peter, &
Trendall, Jasper
1986 A Guide to the Fishes of Lake Malawi National Park
   Odada, E.O. &
Olago, D.O. (eds.)
1972 The East African Great Lakes. Limnology, Palaeolimnology
and Biodiversity
  Ribbink, A.J.,
Marsh, B.A., Marsh, A.C.,
Ribbink, A.C., & Sharp, B.J.
1983 A preliminary survey of the cichlid fishes of rocky habitats
in Lake Malawi
   Rossiter, Andrew, & Kawanabe, Hiroya2000 Ancient Lakes: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
   Seegers, Lothar2008 The Catfishes of Africa. A Handbook for Identification and
   Seehausen, Ole1996 Lake Victoria Rock Cichlids. Taxonomy, Ecology, and Distribution
  Snoeks, Jos (ed.)2004 The Cichlid Diversity of Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa:
Identification, Distribution and Taxonomy
  Trewavas, Ethelwynn1974 Freshwater Fishes of Rivers Mungo and Meme and Lakes Kotto,
Mboandong and Soden, West Cameroon
  Trewavas, Ethelwynn1983 Tilapiine Fishes of the Genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis,
and Danakilia
  Turner, George F.1996 Offshore Cichlids of Lake Malawi


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The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa:

Last Update: 19 May 2012
Page First Posted: 7 May 2012
Web Author: M. K. Oliver, Ph.D.
Copyright © 1997-2018 by M. K. Oliver - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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