The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa

Synopsis of Publication

Trewavas, E. 1964. A revision of the genus Serranochromis Regan (Pisces, Cichlidae). Annales de la Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Sciences Zoologiques, Number 125, 58 pp.  

The genus Serranochromis is defined and is deemed to have arisen along two radii from the Haplochromis species-flock of the Zambezi and Angola. The status of the names proposed by Castelnau is discussed. Eight species are recognized, three of which are new. The new species inhabit respectively (i) the Lake Mweru basin (ii), the Upemba basin and upper Kasai system and (iii) R. Malagarazi. The last is a striking example of the relation between the fish-faunas of the Malagarazi and the upper Congo, Serranochromis being unknown in L. Tanganyika, which intervenes. The population of S. robustus isolated in L. Nyasa and the Upper Shire is recognized as subspecifically differentiated from the species in the rest of its range. The latter takes the name S. robustus jallae (Boulenger).




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