The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa

Abstract of Publication

Stauffer, J.R., Jr. 1994. A new species of Iodotropheus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, Africa. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 5 (4): 331-344.  

Iodotropheus declivitas, new species, is described from Boadzulu Island, Lake Malawi. Iodotropheus sprengerae, the type species of Iodotropheus, was based solely on aquarium-raised specimens thought to have originated from broodstock collected from Boadzulu Island. Subsequently, I. stuartgranti was described from the eastern shore of Lake Malawi near the Mozambique border. Analysis of the morphometric and meristic data, however, demonstrate [sic] that the type series of I. sprengerae is phenotypically more similar to wild-caught specimens from Chinyankwazi and Chinyamwezi islands than it is to wild-caught specimens from Boadzulu Island. The new species is distinguishable from the type series of I. sprengerae, wild-caught specimens from Chinyankwazi and Chinyamwezi islands, and from the type series of I. stuartgranti based on shape, oral dentition, and pharyngeal-bone dentition.




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